- 야외숯불바비큐
- 여행에서 빼놓을 수 없는 즐거움은 역시 야외에서 즐기는 숯불바비큐!
야외에서 자연과 함께 즐기는 숯불바비큐 맛은 정말 일품입니다.
식성에 따라 삼겹살, 조개, 버섯, 소시지, 옥수수, 감자 등 다양하게 구워 드셔보세요.
연인, 단체, 온 가족이 함께 모여 숯불바비큐 파티를 즐겨보세요.
- A special room for you
- On a trip to meet a pleasant respite!
Make pension in memories.
- I was bored and needed a change of pace.
- The area is famous for its scenic walks, peaceful, well-stocked lakes and abundant bird life.
- A safe infant feeding season
- Safe baby food is provided so you can eat safely.
- Create precious memories in the maze garden.
- Today I can spend quality time with my family for a change .